Smart Engines: tourism industry in

Smart Engines became one of the 14 companies to recover the tourism industry in Portugal in the post-COVID-19 era Smart

El rol de la Inteligencia

Las mejoras en la Inteligencia Artificial repercuten en una Experiencia del Cliente renovada, fortalecida y personalizada que da una respuesta

WhenFresh partners with Bluesky to give insurers vital access to

London, 5 August 2021: WhenFresh has teamed up with tree mapping specialists Bluesky to make its National Tree Map™ (NTM™)

Bitpanda Opens A Fully Remote Blockchain Research & Development Hub

The Vienna-based fintech will invest €10 million over the next two years in this hub The company aims to add 30

2iQ launches Capitol Trades, a platform that tracks US politician’s

2nd August 2021 – Frankfurt, Germany – 2iQ Research has launched the online service Capitol Trades (, where investors can track stock market trades of

La pandemia deja huella: el 55% de las mujeres del

26/07/2021 — La última encuesta anual de miembros del CISI ha demostrado que el 55% de las mujeres miembros encuestadas

El uso de la lógica predictiva evita riesgos financieros

El análisis predictivo posibilita procesar ingentes cantidades de datos y descubrir patrones o tendencias que evitan los riesgos financieros GDS

El conocimiento del cliente, un valor diferencial en el sector

El éxito del sector financiero depende de la capacidad de conocimiento de sus clientes para ofrecerles servicios y productos de

Japanese provider of IT services for various stores Smaregi has

July 27, 2021 Smaregi, serving more than 98 thousand stores in Japan, has integrated the OCR module by Smart Engines

Covid-19 may actually help improve remote working conditions

By Christian Rigg May 22, 2020 Businesses should focus on increased communication, and collaborative software, report says. In an effort to better


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