
La pandemia deja huella: el 55% de las mujeres del sector financiero han sufrido estrés en el último año, según el CISI

26/07/2021 — La última encuesta anual de miembros del CISI ha demostrado que el 55% de las mujeres miembros encuestadas han sufrido estrés, ansiedad o

El uso de la lógica predictiva evita riesgos financieros

El análisis predictivo posibilita procesar ingentes cantidades de datos y descubrir patrones o tendencias que evitan los riesgos financierosGDS Modellica proporciona soluciones eficaces para: combatir

El conocimiento del cliente, un valor diferencial en el sector financiero

El éxito del sector financiero depende de la capacidad de conocimiento de sus clientes para ofrecerles servicios y productos de su interés. Los clientes son

Japanese provider of IT services for various stores Smaregi has adopted mobile OCR by Smart Engines

July 27, 2021 Smaregi, serving more than 98 thousand stores in Japan, has integrated the OCR module by Smart Engines into its mobile applications. Automatic

Covid-19 may actually help improve remote working conditions

By Christian Rigg May 22, 2020 Businesses should focus on increased communication, and collaborative software, report says. In an effort to better understand how individuals are responding

RemedyBio completes €10.5M financing from European Innovation Council

The European Innovation Council Fund supports RemedyBio with an €8M investment facility adding to EIC’s previous €2.5M grant awardFunds enable RemedyBio to further develop its

Quantum Metric Survey Suggests 65% Uplift in Festive Gift Spending as UK Shoppers Strive for 2021 Christmas to Remember

Christmas more important post-lockdown: Two-thirds of British shoppers say this year’s Christmas will be more emotional than pre-pandemicSentimental spending: Half plan to spend more on

GTreasury Releases 2021 Treasury Technology Survey Report on Treasury Modernization Progress and Growth Trends

The first-of-its-kind, in-depth global report details how far along treasury and finance teams are in digital transformation, the technologies they are most excited about, and

HooYu launches video identification journey to support German and Spanish KYC regulations

Better user experience thanks to innovative web journey with Video-ID London 2025 – HooYu has launched Video-ID, a live video agent interview that meets the stringent

Brickpacer and Yota present 9 NFT cards for Rarible auction

July 15, Moscow. Brickpacer and Yota presented 9 CryptoRussia NFT-cards on the Rarible crypto-art auction site, in which one can collect the whole country. The